ASTA SkyWire
Think Wireless / Products / SkyWire™ SmartClient Toolkit / SkyWire™ pre-compiled Servers

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SkyWire™ pre-compiled Servers

SkyWire™ Pre-Compiled Servers are available for $499. These are threaded servers that can scale to handle large numbers of Clients and support SkyWire™ Compression and Encryption.

SkyWire™ servers come with ASTA Win32 Thin client apps to allow you to administer your database remotely as well as ASTA SkyWire™ Remote control technology. This allows you to control your servers remotely, even starting and stopping them. The Win32 AstaCOMClient.dll can be used to build your own Admin clients use adminster your database over the internet.

  • ODBC
  • ADO
  • Native Oracle
  • MySQL
  • XBase
  • Interbase
  • Advantage
  • Adaptive Server Anywhere
  • Sybase via CTLib
  • SAP
ASTA Technology Group
ASTA SkyWire
tel.: (208) 342-7800
Last modified: 2/24/2003 3:38:40 PM
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