ASTA SkyWire
Think Wireless / Products / SkyWire™ SkySync / Transport Layer Security

See also

Transport Layer Security

Often, communication between a remote site and an SkyWire™ SkySync synchronization server must take place over a public network or via wireless communication. Ordinarily, the data contained in the upload and download streams is susceptible to unauthorized access.

For example, someone with a suitable radio or network connection could listen to your communication or intercept it. SkyWire™ SkySync optionally incorporates all of the encryption technology available via Asta as well as WinInet SSL.

Asta Suitcase ModelUpload and download streamsAutomation and fault recoveryKeeping connections aliveHow the upload stream processedTransport layer security
ASTA Technology Group
ASTA SkyWire
tel.: (208) 342-7800
Last modified: 2/24/2003 2:32:32 PM
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